Nasher Museum Annual Report 2014 | Lines of Control
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September 19, 2013 – February 2, 2014

Lines of Control curators

Lines of Control: Partition as a Productive Space explored the creation and maintenance of borders, both physical as well as psychological, through the works of artists primarily from South Asia but also Mexico, Lebanon and Ireland. This exhibition was co-curated by Hammad Nasar, curator and co-founder of Green Cardamom, and Iftikhar Dadi, associate professor of art history and art department chair at Cornell University. The show was brought to the attention of the Nasher Museum by history professor Sumathi Ramaswamy, as an ideal collaboration for her students in Duke’s BorderWorks Humanities Lab.

Lines of Control was made possible by the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, the Fenwick Foundation, and Barbara Nicholson McFadyen. Additional support was provided by the BorderWork(s) Humanities Lab at the Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, supported by the Humanities Writ Large grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

TOP: Anita Dube, River/Disease (detail), 1999 (reconfigured 2009). Ceramic eyes mounted on wall, overall height 120 inches (305 cm). Courtesy of the artist and Nature Morte, New Delhi, India. Photo by J Caldwell. Sumathi Ramaswamy (left), professor of history and core affiliated faculty at BorderWork(s), and Philip Stern (right), assistant professor of history and co-director of the BorderWork(s) Humanities Lab at Duke’s Franklin Humanities Institute, pose in the installation Defining Lines: Cartography in the Age of Empire, which complemented Lines of Control. Photo by J Caldwell.